Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay about Adoption of Cloud Computing relating to Data...

The main driving forces of cloud data storage are reputable companies such as Amazon and Google building comprehensive computing infrastructures (Google, 2009). These infrastructures are removing the complexity of in-house data storage and ultimately reducing costs of limited networked data centres (Hitachi, 2010). The traditional inefficient model of purchasing servers every time you need to accommodate for high use or growth is now being replaced by internet based systems that replicate your data centres but without the big overheads (Google, 2009). This flexibility assists in the ever changing business world and its continuous improvement initiatives to remove waste, improve efficiency, and ultimately reduce costs. Another key driving†¦show more content†¦Amazon EC2 from 2009 to 2010 reports a growth of 94%, Rackspace Cloud Server 106%, GoGrid 188%, and Linode 146% (Jack of all Clouds). As the trend is rising and more and more people use cloud data storage which provides a flexible model for data storage it can assist a strategic advantage of centralising storage and allowing negotiable pay-as-you-go costing. Centralisation of IT and specifically data storage is becoming a more desirable option in the cloud. It provides a central point where data can be managed and release the technical problems that previous staff had in backing up and maintaining hardware. With a centralised approach come models such as hybrid, private, and public, these provide choice in services and security. In having a choice CIO’s can strategically design an infrastructure built for their companies needs. To implement cloud data storage the impact it could have on the business would be the organisation and planning of transferring data to the cloud could be a costly, timely operation. It is imperative to ensure the company operations maintain its day-to-day work and not be interrupted, as this could affect sales, the extent that which could harm the company as a whole. Cost varies when more data is stored; this model gives flexibility but also can be seen as a marketing ploy to increase the sales of cloud data storage. As the user base increases prices may raise however as cloudShow MoreRelatedFictitious Statistical Analysis Of Cloud Computing Essay1242 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This paper will present a fictitious statistical analysis of cloud computing, and the number of security issues encountered by a variety of organization types. The fictitious organizations were surveyed to collect data on the number of software and hardware applications outsourced to the cloud, and the number of security issues encountered. According to (Whitman and Mattord, 2012), information Security is the protection of the lifeblood of the organization — its information. 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Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity

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