Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Comparison of Judaism and Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Comparison of Judaism and Islam - Research Paper Example The more understanding we gain with regards to anything, the more broadmindedness we become by evaluating Judaism and Islam. These systems of beliefs share the same thought of worshipping of a supernatural power or god. From this plain word, an enormous figure of individual interpretations has taken place. Religion has not merely turned out to be an arrangement of belief but a source for individualism, pre-eminence and conflict. All the way through the centuries rules have been performed, terrain taken, formed and then ruined and wars have been struggled in an attempt to protect one’s religion. Several religions have close towards nothing in common whereas others have various similarities. As compared with the three foremost western religions: In â€Å"Universal Peace: To Unite a Universal Brotherhood†, Mohammed Talib wrote that â€Å"Judaism and Islam, there have been indications of communal practice, perception and law† (Talib (2005), p. 71). Judaism appears to be one of the ancient religions recognized by man.   Judaism came to view roughly around 4000 years ago.   Several prominent individuals, as said by Arye Forta in the book â€Å"Judaism†, have been â€Å"Jewish citizens like Jesus, Moses, Einstein, Freud, Marx, even Mahler†. This religion is said to be a monotheistic creed, denoting that Jewish natives pray to solely one god.   There weren’t lots of religions like this since it was launched which made Judaism very exceptional during that time.   Nearly all of the religions during those days were polytheistic, meaning that they prayed towards more than one God (Forta (1995), p. 5). On the other hand the â€Å"word "Islam" indicates "obedience to Allah."† This was written in the book of R. W. Maqsood’s â€Å"Islam†. Anybody who does definitely present themselves towards the desires of Allah as obliged by Islam is labeled as a "Muslim," which implies one who has surrendered towards the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Popular Culture As A Functional Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Popular Culture As A Functional Industry - Essay Example An evolution in pop culture facilitates many innovations in the contemporary world. For instance, people adopt new approaches of doing things through such phenomena as tourism, social systems, and technology (Miller, 2011). It is apparent that individuals adopt modes of dressing from day-trippers who visit their homelands. In addition, FaceBook, (most trendy social network) enables people to learn such things as new phrases, considered current at that time. Individuals from athwart the globe engage in forums created to address their interests through FaceBook (Miller, 2011). People constantly ape what celebrities upload on their twitter handles in order to appear civilized. In addition, there are diverse creations of deep friendships through the popular networks. These friendships facilitate sharing of knowledge, which further influences how these associates behave in society. Variably, popular culture further affects the manner in which individuals choose their daily diets. Evidentl y, there is dishonesty in such networks because of the diverse needs people have. In particular, these people sensor their accounts in order for them to depict a certain image to their associates. According to Miller (2011), these illusion makes recruiting agencies to hire wrong people who present wrong identification. According to Bainer (2001), popular culture facilitates the promotion of nationalism particularly when there is a goal to reach certain national expectations.  ... Popular culture activities for example sports additionally facilitate unity in various nations. Moreover, the sport of hockey is associated with Canada because of the number of times Canada excels in the sport and many Canadian nationals who excel in the sport. There is identification of nations through famous popular civilization activities for example tourism, television productions and food. According to Boellstorff (2008), the contemporary globe is virtual and experiences a diffusion of sorts in which there is a merge between culture and politics. For instance, congressional representatives have moved from the conviction that their jobs are serious and cannot mix with other social issues. This merge is evident in the willingness, which these representatives display in embracing recent innovations. In the past, there was no utilization of advanced popular culture in political endeavors. Currently, there is the inclusion of famous politicians on most entertainment programs on natio nal TV. It is normal for these politicians to be guests on the entertainment sports and socialize while seeking for votes. It is evident that the entertainment media amalgamates political concepts so that people who are least interested in politics understand it. There is a presentation of these political concepts in manners, which plead to divergent voters but most importantly young voters. Moreover, this young electorate has special interests in entertainment more than they value constitutional affairs because they are hardly seen participating in such issues. When there is a fusion of entertainment and politics, thus they experience many